Join my FREE 9 day SHIFT challenge!!

A 9 day free online challenge where I'll be sharing tactics and strategies for busy working professionals to help you develop an effective and sustainable perspective on training and nutrition and transform your mind and body for good!


Next course starts on the 1st of March, enter your details below to book your place!


Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.



The challenge is designed to help you see a positive shift in your:

Mindset & Motivation

Stress levels

/  Activity levels

Body fat levels




Who Am I and Why Should You Trust Me?!

As an ex-finance professional I understand first-hand the challenges the working person faces when trying to achieve their fitness goals (from working late, to work drinks!). Having had to navigate such things myself, I found some solutions that enabled me to manage stress, eat flexibly and stay active all in a time efficient manner. 


I have used these same techniques to transform the minds and bodies of many clients, I am now sharing them with you in Shift!